Mehmet Sezgin

blue Tommy Hilfiger crew-neck top

New SME Card : Easy Amex from Bonus

Small Business owners are usually neglected by the banks. And there are several good reasons for it. Many small businesses start and fail, most are one or two people shops making it difficult to have a proper banking relation, some of them avoid...

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Can a Card Provide Barter, Helping Agriculture?

We know that cards replace cash. And we develop products with payment systems’ electronic infrastructure. There is also another phenomenon which replaces cash and actually older than cash itself: Barter! In the old days even before cash, people used...

person holding blue sand

Time is running out… Can YOU change?

Time is running out on so many things. Human race has done many things wrong in the last few centuries. On so many fronts we failed miserably: Equality among individuals and nations, access to good education, using the world resources efficiently...

white and blue magnetic card

Rekabet artıyor, yenilik öne çıkıyor

Kredi kartları pazarı her yıl ortalama yüzde 20 büyüyor. BBVA’nın global ödeme sistemlerinden sorumlu başkanı MEHMET SEZGİN, kart başına kârlılık düşse de büyümenin süreceğine inanıyor. Sezgin’e göre bugün 330 milyar TL olan kart üzerinden toplam...

black samsung android smartphone displaying icons

Nakitsiz Topluma Doğru Adım Adım

Nakit, bankalar açısından çok kritik bir konu. “Mevduat toplamak ve kredi vermek işimizin temeli nihayetinde” diyor Garanti Ödeme Sistemleri’nin eş başkanı Mehmet Sezgin, “ Ama ikisi arasında bir denge olması için daha fazla insanın parasını bankaya...

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A Discussion with BBVA’S Mehmet Sezgin

Boyden’s Leadership Series presents discussions with business and thought leaders from organisations across the globe. The series focuses on topical issues that offer executives, political leaders and the media insight into current trends in...

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